Transparency Code
The Transparency Code is issued to meet the government's desire to place more power into citizens' hands to increase democratic accountability.
It applies to parish councils and other types of authorities with an annual turnover not exceeding £25,000.
The code became mandatory from 1 April 2015 and requires the online publication of key spending and governance information on the occasions specified in the Code.
You can download a free copy of the Code from here:
Transparency Code for smaller authorities
The list of information Baunton Parish should publish and links to current documents is as follows:
Certificate of Exemption 23/24,
b. major items of expenditure over £100
Receipts for items over £100 ,
d. End of year accounts
Annual Governance statement / Annual Return Section 1
Annual Governance statement / Annual Return Section 2 ,
g. Internal Audit report ,
h. list of councillor or member responsibilities
the details of public land and building assets
Minutes, agendas and meeting papers of formal meetings
Notice of Commencement of Period for Exercise of Public Rights year ending 2024
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